
documentation TRACES AND RESONANCES - 3

Monday February 13th, 2012
20:00 door open
20:30 start

Meent 119 - 133, Rotterdam
google map

sound / cello             Nina Hitz
movement / dance    Sato Endo
space design             Noriko Mitsuhashi

A suprising set of improvisation performances by Nina Hitz and Sato Endo. Suprising because it’s uncertain who else will join the performance and what the outcome will be... Come and drink a beer, and enjoy an exciting co-operation between the cellist and the dance artist.
This time Noriko Mitsuhashi is invited as the guest. She constructs a space that frames the relationship between the two performers. In this playground sound and movement respond to each other - and that might result in another viewing situation for the public.

Noriko Mitsuhashi link:

Video impression by Florian Cramer

The third performance of the improvisation series at Roodkapje, Rotterdam