Sato Endo (NL/JP)
Choreographer, dance artist, movement improvisor.
Range of activity
Choreography, Dance / movement improvisation, Performed installation, Performance in conceptual / public art, Film
Recent work
FUTURE ARITA (2018 / 2019)
Merge (2014 - 2017)
Still Echo (2007)
Mirage (2005)
Through making performance or film Sato plays with the relation between the body and its surroundings. While the space contains the body, the felt space lives inside the body. Demarcation between the two is sought to be transformed, for example by merging the body and projected video images, or by researching how to animate an object or a still image by means of movement. Body is a site where the outer world folds in and the inner world unfolds. Immediate and ephemeral nature of our physical relation to the world, memory and perception are the tools in this process.
Some of her works are performed each time on various locations indoor and outdoor, developing into a flexible format that is site responsive, integrating new contents generated by each location.